The Board of Directors is the supreme authority in the bank’s affairs. The Board of Trust Bank PLC. is committed to the bank to achieve superior financial performance and long-term prosperity while meeting stakeholder’s expectations of sound corporate governance. It handles the bank’s affairs and ensures that the organization and its operation are at all times in correct and appropriate order. The Board is responsible for ensuring that the bank is led within a framework of effective control. Among other
things the Board is, responsible for setting business objectives, strategies, business plan and formulating policies. The Board approves the business budget and reviews the business plan from time to time to give direction as per changing economic and market environment. The Board also reviews the policies and guidelines issued by Bangladesh Bank and thereby gives directions for due compliance. Furthermore, Board of Directors develops and reviews corporate governance framework as well as
recommends to shareholders to appoint external auditor. The Board of Trust Bank PLC. consists of 10(Ten) members including the Managing Director and CEO as ex-officio member of the Board. As per the guideline of Bangladesh Bank and in compliance with the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission’s corporate governance guideline , the Board consists of 02(two) Independent Directors.

Vice Chairman