Trust Money is a safe and secure Apps from Trust Bank, with 50+ features and services satisfying more than just banking needs. It is a convenient way to access account, transfer funds, pay bills,more such exciting features on the go. Simply follow these steps to onboard and get started with Trust Money.

Search “Trust-Money” through Apple Store or Google Play for downloading or Scan QR code for App Store or Play Store.

Search “Trust-Money” through Apple Store for downloading or below QR code for App Store.

Please ensure the following are at hand before you proceed:
• Your Account Number.
• Your Credit Card Details (Number, Expiry Date)
• Your registered mobile number and e-mail ID
• Mobile phone with the number registered with the bank to receive OTP
(If your contact details have not been updated, please visit your nearest branch to update these KYC details before you register for Trust-Money mobile banking services.)