Bangladeshi Citizens and foreign nationals can open FC A/C in USD, GBP & EUR with Trust Bank Ltd.
- This account can be opened by
- Bangladeshi nationals residing abroad
- Foreign nationals residing abroad or in Bangladesh
- Foreign firms registered abroad & operating in Bangladesh or abroad
- Foreign missions and their expatriate employees
- Resident Bangladeshi nationals working with foreign/ international organizations operating in Bangladesh; provided their salary is paid in foreign currency
- Deposit can be made in foreign currency only (Cash, TC, Drafts or transfer from other FCY Accounts)
- Cash can be withdrawn in local currency
- Fund can be used to make investment in Wage Earners' Development Bond.
FC Account (Foreign Nationals)
- Completed Account opening Form signed by the account holder/s and introduced by an existing customer who has a relationship with us at least for 6 months.
- Copy of 1 st six pages of passport and relevant page with more than 6 months visa of staying in Bangladesh. (Photocopy of document must be certified as “Original seen/sighted”) .
- Form QA- 22 (in duplicate)
- Copy of work permit from Ministry of Industries (where applicable)
- Documented proof of address verification to be retained with the mandate. This is also applicable for:
- To open an account when the person not being present personally i.e. in a non-face to face scenario is to obtain at least one additional form of evidence (e.g. copy of utility bills/bank statements/tax clearance certificate/ employer letter/home visit) over and above what would have been obtained in the corresponding face to face situation.
- TLocal Legal & Compliance should be consulted, in case of doubt on the acceptable identification evidence for a particular customer type.
- Welcome & follow-up letter' as part of additional address verification.
- Completed KYC template (Appendix-1 & Appendix- 1A for signatories authorized by third party mandate or power of attorney).
Click here to download application form of Foreign currency Account in PDF format
(You have to submit hard copy of the application to the mentioned address
submition through email/internet is prohibited.)
FC Account (Bangladeshi Nationals)
- Completed Account opening Form signed by the account holder/s and introduced by an existing customer who has a relationship with us at least for 6 months.
- Copy of 1 st six pages of passport. (Photocopy of document must be certified as “Original seen/sighted”).
- Copy of work permit/service contract/proof of self employment or business / copy of residence permit.
- Photograph/s of the signatory/ies/ account holders duly attested by the introducer.
- Documented proof of address verification to be retained with the mandate. This is also applicable for:
- For accounts operated by Power of Attorney / authority holder, identify evidence for account holder and the power of attorney / authority holder.
- To open an account when the person not being present personally i.e. in a non-face to face scenario is to obtain at least one additional form of evidence (e.g. copy of utility bills/bank statements/tax clearance certificate/employer letter/home visit) over and above what would have been obtained in the corresponding face to face situation.
Local Legal & Compliance should be consulted, in case of doubt on the acceptable identification evidence for a particular customer type.
- Welcome & follow-up letter' as part of additional address verification
- Completed KYC template (Appendix- 1 & Appendix- 1A for signatories authorized by third party mandate or power of attorney).